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- Purses - Bags outlet china 燣ow-cost environmental bags also have wholesale Cheap 1:1 replica Chanel handbags - Purses - Bags outlet china high-end products. The laminating environmental bags have rich colors meanwhile the color is the essence of fashion. Laser bags have gorgeous appearances. They are very decent in everywhere. These two points make the rept nags become the first selection for gift bags.Non-toxic and non-toxic bags for testing you can use the following methods: sensory detection: cheap Chanel handbags outlet non-toxic bags were milky white, translucent, or colorless, transparent, flexibility, hand lubricant, the surface seems to wax; toxic and non-green bag color is cloudy or pale yellow color, feel replica Chanel handbags outlet sticky. Water detection method: Non-bags placed in the water and press into the bottom, a small proportion of non-toxic non- environmentally friendly bags can be surfaced, toxic and non-green bags than significant, sinking. Jitter detection method: with the hands one end of the non-green bag shaking force, issued by the crisp cheap Chanel handbags outlet sound non-toxic; the muffled astringent toxic. Fire detection: non-toxic polyethylene flammable, wholesale Cheap 1:1 replica Chanel handbags - Purses - Bags outlet china the flame was blue, the top of the yellow, burning like a candle, tears dripping, paraffin smell and cheap Chanel handbags outlet less smoke; toxic PVC bags do not flammable. Away from the fire is extinguished, the flame is yellow, the bottom of the green, softening can be brushed, and the pungent odor of hydrochloric acid.There are many materials for recycle bags: art paper, cotton, oxford, but the number of non-woven bags is the most economical. The touch of natural fabric non-woven top secret weapon to replace the textile fabrics, while maintaining low prices and has very strong market competitiveness. These two common points make non-woven bags become the best carrier for shopping and advertising.Now we pay attention to environmental protection. Clothing, footwear manufacturers have adopted such a non-woven packaging to meet consumer demand. The non-woven bags of cheap fashion are fashion and taste, clothing, footwear, natural partners. Usually replica Chanel handbags outlet made of shopping bags folded form, easy to carry, is to increase its usefulness. Add a small rope can make the bag become practical.?With the beam port shape makes it suitable for the occasion mounted three-dimensional objects: assorted snacks, shoes, creative gifts.Non-woven bags are the mainstream materials of reusable bags. The environmental protection replica Chanel handbags outlet is one of the characteristic. Lightweight and flexible become the inherent advantages for it replaces the textile fabrics. The woven bags have a wide range application: shopping, exhibitions and advertising. It presents in everywhere.Source:http://www.cnmhc.com?
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